Information about measles
On behalf of Alberta Health Services' North Zone Medical Officers of Health, please find attached information about measles:
March 17, 2025
Dear School Parents/Guardians, Staff and Volunteers;
Measles cases are increasing globally, with numerous countries and travel destinations reporting outbreaks including the United States, Europe and Canada. So far in 2025, Canada has seen a significant increase in measles cases and a number of jurisdictions have reported measles outbreaks. Cases of measles have been reported in Ontario, Quebec, British Columbia, Manitoba and most recently, Alberta.
There are no confirmed measles cases at your school at this time; however, it is important that parents are aware of the risk and are supported by Alberta Health Services (AHS) Public Health.
Measles Illness:
Measles is very contagious and is easily spread through the air. Some people who get measles can have serious health problems. In rare cases, measles can lead to death.Measles is a viral illness. Symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, red eyes, and a blotchy rash. Symptoms usually start 8-12 days after exposure but can take as long as 21 days to appear.
Measles may cause complications including ear infections, pneumonia, seizures, or inflammation of the brain. Complications are more common among children under five years and people who are pregnant or immunocompromised.
A person with measles symptoms should stay home, avoid contact with others, and call Health Link at 811 before visiting any healthcare facility or any healthcare provider.
Protection against Measles:
The best protection against measles is to get immunized. Measles vaccines are highly effective.In order to be adequately protected against measles, individuals born in or after 1970 need two documented doses of measles-containing vaccine.
In Alberta, measles-containing vaccines are available free of charge for eligible individuals. The routine childhood immunization program includes two doses of measles containing vaccine.
For more information about measles-containing vaccines please go to ahs.ca/immunize or talk to your/your child’s healthcare provider. Parents and guardians can check that their child has received two doses of measles vaccine by calling Health Link at 811 or by contacting their local public health or community health center. Individuals who are 14 years of age and older can check their My Health Record account immunization record.
Measles Case Response:
If measles is confirmed at your school, Public Health will immediately begin working with the school to keep everyone safe and reduce the risk of measles spreading.To reduce transmission of measles, provincial Public Health guidelines require those with infection and their contacts who are not immune to measles to stay at home and away from others until the risk of spreading the disease is over.
Further, we encourage you to keep children home when showing any signs of illness.
Two doses of measles vaccine given before a school measles exposure provides protection against measles and avoids possible exclusion.
Next Steps:
If your child is not immunized, or you are unsure about you or your child’s immunization status, please call Health Link at 811.You can also learn more from MyHealthAlberta about the risks of measles here, find frequently asked questions here, or text ‘measles’ to 88111 for more information by text message.
Thank you for your support.