
Register to Ride 2024-25

Lets ride poster

Information about riding the school bus in the 2024-25 school year

All students requesting a seat on a school bus in 2024-25 need to be registered, even if …

  • they rode the bus this year
  • they only need to ride the bus occasionally

Students can be registered for busing by completing the online BusPlanner Workflow form found here: Please choose the Transportation Registration form.

To complete the form, you will need to include the following:

  • Student’s first and last name, school, grade and date of birth
  • Alberta Education ID number (if known)
  • Names, contact phone numbers (home and cell) and email address for parents/guardians
  • Primary residence address: Street address or rural (blue sign) address; AND legal land location for rural residences; AND postal code.

Important note: To ensure the registration system can accurately map your address, please use the following when entering the Street Name:

  • TOWNSHIP RD (not TWP or Road)
  • RANGE RD (not RR or Road)
  • ST 
  • AVE
  • Highway (not HWY)

The Street Name field will self-populate as you type; once you have selected the correct Street Name, the Town/County field will activate to select your correct municipality.

For multi-lot acreage residences, enter the six-digit rural blue sign address as the Number, and the lot number as the Unit/Apartment #.

  • Mailing address (if different from physical address)
  • Any additional information required (ex. Medical concerns)

If a student has a second primary residence (ex. Custody split between parents), a second Transportation Registration form will need to be completed.

If you are requesting busing to an alternate location (other than a primary residence), you will need to include an Alternate Address Form. This form requires the physical address of the alternate location, and the reason for the request (ex. child care provider, etc.)

As soon as possible! Busing registration for 2024-25 is now open. We encourage families to register their students for busing as soon as possible to facilitate route planning.

The Province of Alberta has distance thresholds at which it will provide funding to school divisions for busing. School divisions receive transportation funding for students if the distance from their residence to their designated school is:

  • 1.0 km or greater for K-6 students
  • 2.0 km or greater for Grade 7-12 students

Students who meet this criteria are identified as Eligible Riders are received first priority for placement on bus routes..

Students who do not meet the eligibility criteria can also apply for busing, and Aspen View will endeavour to provide busing to all students who request it. However, if a bus is at capacity, riders will be assigned to buses in the following order:

  1. Ineligible Riders: K-6 students who attend their designated school and reside less than 1 km from that school; and Grade 7-12 students who attend their designated school and reside less than 2 km from that school. (Note: Aspen View Public Schools does not provide busing for distances of less than 1 km unless otherwise approved due to extenuating circumstances [eg. safety, disability, etc.])
  2. School of Choice: Students attending a school other than their designated school, including non-resident students. (School of Choice students must meet the bus at an assigned bus stop within the attendance boundary of the school they are attending; door-to-door transportation is not available.)
  3. Alternate Transportation: Transportation of students to an approved location other than their residence or designated bus stop.

Any students not assigned to a bus due to capacity limits will be placed on a waiting list.

A designated school is the school a student is directed to attend, based on their grade level and the location of their residence within established attendance areas. Attendance areas are determined by the Board of Trustees and maps of attendance areas can be found here:


Eligible riders

  • Eligible riders are those who attend their designated school and reside:
    • 1.0 km or greater from their designated school if they are in K-6
    • 2.0 km or greater from their designated school if they are Grades 7-12
  • 2024-25 Fee: $75 per student annually, with a family maximum of $187.50

Ineligible riders

  • Ineligible riders are defined as those who attend their designated school and reside:
    • Less than 1.0 km from their designated school if they are in K-6
      • Note: Aspen View Public Schools does not provide busing for distances of less than 1 km unless otherwise approved due to extenuating circumstances (eg. safety, disability, etc.)
    • Less than 2.0 km from their designated school if they are Grades 7-12
    • This is an optional service; Aspen View Public Schools receives no provincial funding for the transportation of ineligible students:
  • 2024-25 Fee: $200 per student annually, with a family maximum of $500

Split family

  • Riders who reside at two ‘home’ residence, requiring seats on two different buses:
    • Must be 50% at one parent’s home, 50% at the other parent’s home
    • Court order must be in place
    • Transportation will coincide with court order
  • 2024-25 Fee: $75 per student annually, with a family maximum of $187.50 

Alternate transportation

  • (Optional service: transportation of students to an approved location other than their residence or designated bus stop):
  • 2024-25 Fee: $200 per student annually, with a family maximum of $500 

School of Choice

  • (Optional service: Transportation of students to a school other than their designated school from a pick-up location within the school boundary; including non-resident students):
  • 2024-25 Fee: $75 per student annually, with a family maximum of $187.50

The Board of Trustees recognizes that transportation fees pose an obstacle to some families. Aspen View Public Schools has endeavoured to keep fees for Eligible Students as low as possible (less than $0.42 per day) while avoiding the need to redirect funds intended for classrooms. Payment plans may be set up upon request to the division office. Applications to waive transportation fees due to financial hardship can be submitted to Aspen View Public Schools division office.

If at any time your child no longer requires busing, please fill out a Cancel Transportation Form. We greatly appreciate this, as it confirms that we are able to reassign that seat to other riders.

You’ll receive an automated email confirming that your registration has been received. You will be contacted by the bus driver in late August regarding pick-up/drop-off time and location, bus number and other details.

What if I have questions or need further information?Please contact Aspen View Transportation at 780-675-7080 Ext. 16 or email

Aspen View transportation fees workflow

2024-2025 Transportation Fees

  • Busing of students who attend their designated school and reside:
    • 1.0 km or greater from their designated school if they are in K-6
    • 2.0 km or greater from their designated school if they are Grades 7-12

    is subject to an annual fee of $75 per student, up to a maximum per family of $187.50.

  • Busing of students who attend their designated school and reside:

    • Less than 1.0 km or greater from their designated school if they are in K-6
    • Less than 2.0 km or greater from their designated school if they are Grades 7-12

is subject to an annual fee of $200 per student, up to a maximum per family of $500.

  • Busing of students to an alternate address, such as a babysitter, is subject to an annual fee of $200 per student  up to a family maximum of $500.
  • Busing of students to a school other than their designated school ('school of choice') is subject to an annual fee of $75 per student, up to a maximum per family of $187.50. In those instances, parents/guardians are responsible for transporting those students to an assigned bus stop for that school.
  • Busing of non-resident students (students who reside outside the division boundaries) is subject to an annual fee of $75 per student, up to a maximum per family of $187.50. In those instances, parents/guardians are responsible for transporting those students to an assigned bus stop for that school.

FAQ: How will I know how much to pay?

FAQ: How will the driver know if I have paid my fees?

FAQ: If I pay the fee for Yard Pickup, will the bus come down my drive way to the house?

FAQ: What is School of Choice?

FAQ: With a School of Choice Fee can I have my child bussed to any school in the system?

FAQ: Can I bring a friend home on the bus?

Is there assistance available with transportation fees?

The Aspen View Public School Board of Trustees recognizes that there may be a need to review transportation fees for some families due to hardship. Any hardship request must be made annually and supported by an Application for Waiver of Fees. A confidential follow up may be required by a designated staff member.

What do transportation fees cover?

Transportation fees apply only to home-to-school student transportation.

What do transportation fees not cover?

Schools may implement additional fees for student transportation to cover field trips, extra-curricular sports, etc. Decisions on the implementation of additional transportation fees are made at the school's discretion.

A line of School Buses

Please click here for bus numbers, drivers’ names, contractors’ names, and contractors’ phone numbers. This information is also available on the Bus Status mobile app. We encourage all families whose children ride the bus to download the Bus Status app to receive real-time updates on cancellations, late buses, etc. The Bus Status app can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play Store.

Bus drivers will contact families to introduce themselves and share pick-up/drop-off times. Some drivers may provide families with their contact information, however, Aspen View does not require this. Communication with bus drivers may be channeled through their contractor.

The Aspen View Public Schools Transportation Handbook contains important information for families about attendance areas, registering for busing, responsibilities, inclement weather and other topics. We encourage all families to review the Transportation Handbook and refer to it if you have questions.

Please contact the driver or contractor:

  • If you need to confirm drop-off/pick-up times
  • If your child will not be riding the bus temporarily (ex. medical appointment, vacation, etc.)
  • To communicate schedules if your child is in a split custody arrangement that involves busing
  • To inform the driver of any relevant medical conditions

Please contact the contractor:

  • If you are not able to contact your driver regarding the issues listed above
  • If you have a concern about a bus driver (ex. safety, conduct)
  • If you have questions or concerns about late or cancelled buses

Please contact your child’s school administrators:

  • If you have a concern about behaviour issues between students on the bus which the driver may not be aware of.

Please contact the Aspen View Transportation Coordinator:

  • If you have a safety concern about a bus route (ex. bus stop location, pick-up/drop times).
  • If you have communicated a concern to a driver or carrier as described above and there has not been a resolution.
  • If you need to change your address or remove a student from busing.

Aspen View Public Schools
Transportation Department
Coordinator: Terry Hersey
780-675-7080 Ext. 16

Contact the Transportation Department

Address: 3600 48th Avenue, Athabasca, AB T9S 1M8

Phone: 780-675-7080 Ext. 16
Toll Free: 1-888-488-0288 Ext. 16
Fax: 780-675-3660

Coordinator: Terry Hersey

Division Office Liaison: Amber Oko, Secretary-Treasurer
Phone: 780-675-7080 Ext.04
Toll-Free: 1-888-488-0288

Transportation FAQs

Getting Started

Students can be registered for busing by completing the online BusPlanner Workflow form found here: Please choose the Transportation Registration form. Direct any questions to the Aspen View Public Schools Transportation Coordinator at 780-675-7080 Ext. 16

For the 2024-25 school year:

  • Busing of students who attend their designated school and reside
    • 1.0 km or greater from their designated school if they are in K-6
    • 2.0 km or greater from their designated school if they are in Grades 7-12
    is subject to an annual fee of $75 per student, up to a maximum per family of $187.50.
  • Busing of students who attend their designated school and reside
    • less than 1.0 km from their designated school if they are in K-6
    • less than 2.0 km from their designated school if they are in Grades 7-12
    is subject to an annual fee of $200 per student, up to a maximum per family of $500.
  • Busing of students to an alternate address, such as a babysitter, is subject to an annual fee of $200 per student up to a family maximum of $500.
  • Busing of students to a "school of choice' (a school other than their designated school) is subject to an annual fee of $75 per student, up to a maximum per family of $187.50. In those instances, parents/guardians are responsible for transporting those students to an assigned bus stop for that school.
  • Busing of non-resident students (students who reside outside the division boundaries) is subject to an annual fee of $75 per student, up to a maximum per family of $187.50. In those instances, parents/guardians are responsible for transporting those students to an assigned bus stop for that school.

School of choice is the common term used to describe when a student chooses to attend a school outside of their designated attendance area. Policy 18 defines how attendance areas are determined and what rules are in place should you choose to attend a school outside that area.

An Alternate Request is a request for a regular pick-up and/or drop-off for their child at a location other than their residence. Fees of $200 per student are assessed for approved Alternate Requests. If you are requesting busing to an alternate location (other than a primary residence), you will need to include an Alternate Address Form.

Yard pick-up is for special circumstances that are approved by the superintendent. Yard entries conducted because of an unsafe school bus turnaround, unsafe bus stop or medical reasons are exempt from a transportation fee. Contact the Aspen View Public Schools Transportation Coordinator at 780-675-7080 Ext. 16 to request an Approved Yard Pick-Up.

You are considered a non-resident student and busing may be accessed from an existing bus stop within Aspen View Public Schools' boundaries.


You will be invoiced through PowerSchool and you can also contact your child's school. Except for Eligible Students, all fees must be paid by October 31 of each school year or service will be discontinued.

Fees can be paid online and at the school. If you reached the family maximum it will be reflected on your PowerSchool invoice.

Any waiver of fees or adjustments need to be communicated through the Aspen View Public Schools division office. Click for Application for Waiver of Fee(s).

Bus drivers will be notified by the Transportation Department of students whose fees are unpaid. Except for Eligible Students, all fees must be paid by October 31 of each school year or service will be discontinued.


When conditions are such that the safety of students becomes jeopardized, the school bus driver may make the decision that it is safest not to do a pick-up or drop-off. The driver would call the parents so they know to make alternate arrangements. Please see AP 131 Inclement Weather Hazardous Road Conditions for more information.

AVPSD contracts all bussing services to professional contractors who have excellent maintenance programs for their buses. However, there may be an occasion when a bus breaks down. All contractors help each other out in this event and will get your child to school and back home again. Parents may be required to drive their child in the event of a bus break down. Drivers are to remain with the students at all times until another bus or other safe alternative has been arranged. Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately anytime they are on the bus.

As a parent, the first action should be to contact the driver and discuss what you know about the incident. There is a good chance that the driver knows about it and is dealing with the issue. However, the driver may not know about the issue and so should be made aware of it. The successful resolution of any busing problem will come from effective communication.

The driver will involve the school at the appropriate time. Many issues have a way of working themselves out as the drivers are very resourceful in this regard. The school will expect the driver to have tried solutions already and to have contacted the parents before the issue is brought forward.

All issues are considered important and will be dealt with seriously and in a professional manner.

If there is not a qualified driver available to drive, sometimes a run may have to be canceled. If this were to happen you will receive a call from your bus driver. Parents are advised to have a contingency plan in place so that their students do not miss school.

Our Drivers

AVPSD drivers are some of the best trained drivers in Canada. All drivers must provide a valid current driver's abstract yearly as well as a clean criminal record check before they can be considered to drive for Aspen View Public School Division. All drivers must possess a valid Class 2 drivers license and are required to take the "S' Endorsement (school bus operations safety) course within twelve months of their start date. Drivers attend professional development seminars hosted by the Division.

Please contact the Transportation Department by calling 780-675-7080 Ext. 16 or toll free at 1-888-488-0288.

Other Questions

Students should be at the stop, ready to board the bus 3 to 5 minutes before their assigned pick-up time. Please remember that if everyone on the bus were late by even one minute, the bus would arrive at school approximately 30 minutes late. If your students are late, you must have a contingency plan to get them to school.

Occasional (less than four times per school year) transportation of students for specific circumstances (ex. attending a friend's birthday party) is a convenient practice that we try to accommodate. Cooperation from parents is necessary. Currently, any student registered with Aspen View can be transported on a one-time special occasion provided that there is:

  • Room on the bus
  • An Occasional Student Transportation Request is provided to the Transportation Coordinator by the parent at least 24 hours prior to the required transportation.

To place an Occasional Student Transportation Request, please email the Transportation Department at or phone 780-675-7080 Ext. 16.

Inform your driver. Have your student tell the driver beforehand or phone the driver yourself. This is a courtesy that the drivers really appreciate. If your driver shows up at your pick-up location and you do not come out, they will only stay until your departure time and then leave.