Aspen View Public Schools -- in partnership with Alberta Education, post-secondary and industry -- are providing Dual Credit opportunities for students.
What are the benefits of Dual Credit courses?
- Participating in a Dual Credit course allows students to earn credits in high school and post-secondary institutions at the same time, as well as earn credits that may lead to preferred placement and workplace certification.
- Students gain confidence to succeed academically in a post-secondary environment.
- Students use the latest education technologies which prepare them for the technological workforce.
- Students learn what college and university instructors expect, while still in familiar high school surroundings.
Our college partners are Athabasca University, Lakeland College, Northern Lakes College and Portage College.
If you have questions, please contact Katherine Mann, Associate Superintendent of Curriculum and Technology at katherine.mann@aspenview.org or 780-675-7080 ext.05.
What follows is a summary of the options available through each college partner, with info on how to apply for each.
Aspen View Dual Credit and Post Secondary Opportunities
Applications received by the 6th of the month will allow you to begin the course the 1st of the following month. For example, if an application is received on October 5, you can start the course on November 1. If an application is received on October 7, you can start the course on December 1.
Click here for the Athabasca University registration form.
Single Courses:
INST203 - Indigenous Studies I (PSI3067 - 5 cr)
COMP214 - Computer Studies: Interactive Technologies - Exploration of Current and Emerging Technologies (PSI3069 - 5 cr)
EDUC201 - Education: The Profession of Teaching (PSI3070 - 5 cr)
ARHI201 - Art History: A Survey of Western Art I, Looking at Art from Ancient Times to the Middle Ages (PSI3078 - 5 cr)
ANTH275 - Anthropology: Faces of Culture, An Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (PSI3068 - 5 cr)
ACCT253 - Introductory Financial Accounting (PSI3071 - 5 cr)
MATH215 - Introduction to Statistics (PSI3065 - 5 cr)
MATH265 - Introduction to Calculus I (PSI3036 - 5 cr)
HLTS200 - Introduction to Human Health (PSI3209 - 5 cr)
MUSI267 - Sound and Sense: Listening to Music (PSI3210 - 5 cr)
BIO235 - Biology: Human Anatomy and Physiology (PSI3005, PSI3168 - 10 cr)
LGST230 - The Canadian Legal System (PSI3238 - 5 cr)
SOCI305 - Sociology and Crime (PSI3237 - 5 cr)
PSYC228 - Psychology: Introduction to Human Development (PSI3240- 5 cr)
EDUC302 - Educational Issues and Social Change II: Current Debates (PSI3239 - 5 cr)
Learning to Learn Online
*This course is a MOOC. Students will receive a certificate of completion, but will not receive high school credit upon completion.*
Application deadline is six weeks prior to the start date of the course, however, students are encouraged to apply early as the classes can fill up before the application deadline.
Click here for the Northern Lakes College registration form.
- Addictions Counselling
- Business Administration
- Computer Network Specialist
- Early Learning and Child Care Certificate
- Educational Assistant Certificate
- Health Care Aide
- Introduction to Surveying
- Office Administration
- Power Engineering 4th Class
- Pre-Employment Carpenter
- Pre-Employment Electrician
- Pre-Employment Heavy Equipment Technician
- Pre-Employment Industrial Mechanic (Millwright)
- Pre-Employment Welder
- Primary Care Paramedic / Practical Nurse
- Social Work Diploma
- University Studies
University Transfer Courses
- BIOL1000 - Introduction to Biology
- COMM1000 - Communications for the Helping Professions
- DRAM1020 - Explorations in Drama and Theatre
- ENGL1000 - Introduction to English Language and Literature
- HEED1010 - Health Education: Personal Health and Wellness
- INDG2100 - Introduction to Indigenous Issues
- POLS1010 - Canadian Politics: Institutions and Issues
- PSYC1060 - Psychology for the Health Care Professional
- SOCI1000 - Introduction to the Study of Society
- STAT1410 - Introduction to Statistics
There are 2 intakes each school year for the dual credit program: one in September and one in January. Some programs run beginning in January and some in February. Some programs only run if there is a large enough cohort… which means the sooner you apply the better as your application could be the one that is needed to ensure a large enough cohort.
Click here for the Portage College registration form.
Single Courses:
- CSCR101 Computer Science Coding and Robotics
- Click here to see the course description.
- Click here to see the course poster.
- Geared towards Grade 11 students and up.
- ELA 20 and MATH 20 are co-requisites.
- CREE101 - Introductory Cree - *will only run if instructors are available*
- ECDE100 - Human Development: Early Learning and Childcare
University Transfer Courses:
High school students are eligible to have the fees waived for one university transfer course per semester (only the tuition fees are waived, books/resources need to be purchased):
- PSYC104 - Introduction to Psychology
- ORGB193 - Organizational Behaviour
- ENTR105 - Introduction to Entrepreneurship
- HEED105 - Personal Health and Wellness
- MATH100 - Introduction to Calculus
- NRES208 - Global Issues
- STAT141 - Introduction to Statistics & Research Methods
- SOCI101 - Introduction to Sociology
- COMA200 - Tech Tools for Teaching and Learning
There are 2 intakes each school year for the dual credit program: one in September and one in February.
Click here for the Olds College registration form.
Fall Offerings - Single Courses:
- AHT1050 - Intro to Veterinary Profession – 5 CTS credits
- A required course in the Animal Health Technology Diploma program.
- ATG1007 - Agriculture Electronics and Control Systems – 5 CTS credits
- A required course in the Precision Agriculture Techgronomy Diploma program.
- HAT1130 - Marketing for Hospitality & Tourism – 5 CTS credits
- A required course in the Hospitality & Tourism Management Diploma program.
- HRT1500 - Managing Landscapes – 5 CTS credits
- A required course in the Horticulturist Technologist Diploma program.
- SPM1020 - Training for Performance – 5 CTS credits
- A required course in the Business Management Diploma / Sports Management Major program.
Winter Offerings - Single Courses:
- AHT1140 - Veterinary Practice: The Team Connection – 5 CTS credits
- A required course in the Animal Health Technology Diploma program.
- ATG1008 - Solving Technology Problems – 5 CTS credits
- A required course in the Precision Agriculture Techgronomy Diploma program.
- EVS1210 - Applied Ecology – 5 CTS credits
- A required course in the Land & Water Resources Diploma program.
- HAT1255 - Marketing for Hospitality & Tourism – 5 CTS credits
- A required course in the Hospitality & Tourism Management Diploma program.
- HRT1700 - Producing Horticulture Crops – 5 CTS credits
- A required course in the Horticulturist Technologist Diploma program.
- SPM1260 - Introduction to Sports Management – 5 CTS credits
- A required course in the Business Management Diploma / Sports Management Major program.
There are 2 intakes each school year for the dual credit program: one in September and one in February.
Click here for the Lakeland College registration form.
Single Courses:
- ED120 - Play – 5 CTS credits
- A required course in the Early Learning and Child Care program and in the Child & Youth Care program.
- SC140 - Environmental Sustainability – 5 CTS credits
- A required course in 4 of Lakeland’s environmental sciences majors.
- HE158 - Health Safety & Nutrition – 5 CTS credits
- A required course in the Early Learning and Child Care program.
- HS160 - Introduction to Esthetics – 3 CTS credits
- This course covers safe practices in the workplace that you would need to work with the public in an esthetics job.
- SO102 - Introduction to Soil Science – 5 CTS credits
- Learn how soil is formed and its basic characteristics.
- RC200 - Basic Energy Principles – 5 CTS credits
- ASL101 - American Sign Language - Part A - 5 CTS credits
- Introduction to Heavy Oil & Gas – 3 CTS credits
- Not a true dual credit course… meaning you will not receive a college credit for this course, but you will receive 3 CTS high school credits.
- Learn the steps involved in getting heavy oil and natural gas out of the ground at to market.